Samples JDK
1 /**
2  * \brief 'po.xsd' is in 'purchase' namsespace. Without elementFormDefault="qualified" all local elements are in default namespace and not in
3  * target namespace.
4  *
5  * <p>elementFormDefault="qualified"</p>
6  * <ul>
7  * <li>Without this in 'po.xsd', a local element declaration (such as that for shipTo, billTo, items) refers to an element in no namespace,
8  * rather than an element in the target namespace</li>
9  * </ul>
10  * <h3>Test1</h3>
11  * <ul>
12  * <li>po.xml specifies every element in '' namespace and hence validation fails.</li>
13  * </ul>
14  * <h3>Test1</h3>
15  * <ul>
16  * <li>po-default.xml specifies every element in default namespace except purchaseOrder and comment (These being not the local element in po.xsd belongs
17  * to targetNamespace.) and hence the test passes.<li>
18  * </ul>
19  *
20  */
21 package com.freemindcafe.xml.xsd.sample1;