▼Ncom | |
▼Nfreemindcafe | |
►Napache | |
►Ncommons | CAS rest invoker client |
►Nbeanutils | BeanUtils and PropertyUtils samples |
►Nsample1 | PropertyUtils Samples. To set and read from indexed properties |
CDeviceConfigurationProfile | |
CDeviceInterface | |
CMeterControlRequest | |
CSetDeviceConfigurationRequest | |
CTest | |
►Nsample2 | BeanUtils Samples. To set and read from indexed properties |
CDeviceConfigurationProfile | |
CDeviceInterface | |
CMeterControlRequest | |
CSetDeviceConfigurationRequest | |
CTest | |
CHttpsClientTest | |
►Ncxf | Use soapUI to send the soap requests and jaxrs requests involving the SSL |
►Njaxrs | |
►Nsample2 | We need annotations on data object, otherwise the response will not be written |
CServer | |
CTicket | |
CTicketsResource | |
►Nsample3 | Data object should have a public constructor |
CServer | |
CTicket | |
CTicketsResource | |
►Nsample4 | Setting List<V> in response |
CServer | |
CTicket | |
CTicketsResource | |
►Nsample5 | Wrapping List<V> in one container object |
CServer | |
CTicket | |
CTicketsContainer | |
CTicketsResource | |
►Nsample6 | Returning xml as application/xml and application/json |
CServer | |
CTicket | |
CTicketsContainer | |
CTicketsResource | |
►Nsample7 | JaxRs servie running behind BasicAuth interceptor. ExceptionMappers example |
CBasicAuthInterceptor | |
COutSecurityFaultInterceptor | |
COutSecurityInterceptor | |
CServer | |
CTicket | |
CTicketsContainer | |
CTicketsResource | |
►Nsample8 | Returning xml as application/xml and application/json |
CServer | |
CTicket | |
CTicketsContainer | |
CTicketsResource | |
►Nsample9 | Incomplete ?? |
CBasicAuthInterceptor | |
COrder | |
COrderInfo | |
COrderInfoImpl | |
COrderList | |
COutSecurityFaultInterceptor | |
COutSecurityInterceptor | |
CServer | |
CSSLInterceptor | |
►Nwsdl | |
►Nsample1 | Generates java code from xsd and wsdl. Verifies basic, wsse token and 2 way auth interceptors. Uses soap out and fault interceptors. Uses SOAP UI as a client |
CClient | |
CServer | |
►Nsample2 | Incomplete ?? |
CA | |
►Nsample3 | Incomplete ?? |
CClient | |
CSampleUsernameTokenValidator | |
CServer | |
►Nlog4j | |
►Nsample1 | Additivity can turn off the appender chaining |
CApp | |
CBarBean | |
CFooBean | |
►Nsample2 | Log4j uses dot notation to build logger hierarchy |
CApp | |
CBarBean | |
CFooBean | |
►Nvelocity | |
►Nsample1 | Expression that were used in settlement grid area condition check |
CTest | |
►Napt | |
►Nsample1 | Annotation Processing Tool examples |
CSillyMe | |
CSillyProcessor | |
CTestSilly | |
►Nconcurrency | Concurrency Samples |
►Nsample1 | ThreadpoolExecutor having Runnable |
CTest | |
►Nsample2 | ThreadpoolExecutor having Callable |
CTest | |
►Nsample3 | FutureTask samples |
CTest | |
►Nsample4 | Throttling sender example |
CISender | |
CTest | |
CThrottlingSender | |
►Nsample5 | Rendezvous example |
CTest | |
►Nsample6 | Barrier example |
CBarrier | |
CTest | |
►Nsample7 | ConcurrentHashMap example |
CTest | |
►Nsample8 | Calling a code after some delay using ScheduledExecutorService |
CSample | |
►Ndesignpatterns | |
►Nserviceloader | |
CICepEngine | |
CMyCepEngine | |
CTest | |
►Nformat | |
►Nsample1 | System.out.printf samples |
CSample | |
►Nhttps | |
►Nclientauth | |
CClientConnectionTest | |
CClientConnectionTest1 | |
CCustomValve | |
►Njava8 | |
►Nsample1 | |
►CDish | |
CType | |
CTest | |
CTest1 | |
CTest2 | |
►Nsample2 | |
CTest | |
CTest1 | |
CTrader | |
CTransaction | |
►Nsample3 | |
CBusinessHoursInterval | |
CTest | |
►Njdbc | JDBC and database related concepts |
►Nsample3 | Global temporary table with on commit delete rows; 1) create table using basicDataSource and then resuse 2) Create temporary table using jdbcTemple and then reuse 3) Create table using jdbcTemplate via sql script file and then reuse |
CExecuteDDLAndUseTableTest | |
►Nsample4 | |
CNestedQueryTest | |
►Njmx | |
►Nsample1 | This sample does not use JMXConnectorServer and the MBean can be accessed from jconsole |
►Nserver | |
CHelloService | |
CHelloServiceMBean | |
CIHelloService | |
CServer | |
►Nsample2 | This sample uses JMXConnectorServer and client uses JMXConnector to access MBean |
►Nclient | |
CClient | |
CHelloServiceImpl | |
►Nserver | |
CHelloService | |
CHelloServiceMBean | |
CIHelloService | |
CServer | |
►Nsample3 | Accessing ActiveMQ BrokerViewMBean |
CFirstTest | |
►Noops | |
►Ninnerclass | |
►Nlibrary | |
CIMessageProvider | |
CMessageProcessor | |
►Nmypackage | |
►CA | |
CC | |
CB | |
►Npurchase | |
►Nimpl | |
CCommentDocumentImpl | |
CItemsImpl | |
CPurchaseOrderDocumentImpl | |
CPurchaseOrderTypeImpl | |
CSKUImpl | |
CUSAddressImpl | |
CCommentDocument | |
►CItems | |
►CItem | |
CQuantity | |
CPurchaseOrderDocument | |
CPurchaseOrderType | |
CSKU | |
CUSAddress | |
►Npurchase1 | |
►Nimpl | |
CCommentDocumentImpl | |
CItemsImpl | |
CPurchaseOrderDocumentImpl | |
CPurchaseOrderTypeImpl | |
CSKUImpl | |
CUSAddressImpl | |
CCommentDocument | |
►CItems | |
►CItem | |
CQuantity | |
CPurchaseOrderDocument | |
CPurchaseOrderType | |
CSKU | |
CUSAddress | |
►Npurchase2 | |
►Nimpl | |
CCommentDocumentImpl | |
CItemsImpl | |
CMessageDocumentImpl | |
CMessageTypeImpl | |
CPurchaseOrderDocumentImpl | |
CPurchaseOrderTypeImpl | |
CSKUImpl | |
CUSAddressImpl | |
CCommentDocument | |
►CItems | |
►CItem | |
CQuantity | |
CMessageDocument | |
CMessageType | |
CPurchaseOrderDocument | |
CPurchaseOrderType | |
CSKU | |
CUSAddress | |
►Npurchase3 | |
►Ngift | |
►Nimpl | |
CMessageDocumentImpl | |
CMessageTypeImpl | |
CMessageDocument | |
CMessageType | |
►Nimpl | |
CCommentDocumentImpl | |
CItemsImpl | |
CPurchaseOrderDocumentImpl | |
CPurchaseOrderTypeImpl | |
CSKUImpl | |
CUSAddressImpl | |
CCommentDocument | |
►CItems | |
►CItem | |
CQuantity | |
CPurchaseOrderDocument | |
CPurchaseOrderType | |
CSKU | |
CUSAddress | |
►Nquartz | |
►Nsample1 | Cron expression is used to define the constraints |
CCronTest | |
►Nrmi | |
►Nsample1 | Rmic and rmiregistry is used. This one does not uses SecurityManager |
►Nclient | |
CAdditionClient | |
►Nserver | |
CAddition | |
CAdditionServer | |
CIAddition | |
►Nsample2 | Rmic and rmiregistry is used. This one uses SecurityManager. But SecurityManager is not a must |
►Nclient | |
CAdditionClient | |
►Nserver | |
CAddition | |
CAdditionServer | |
CIAddition | |
►Nsample3 | Registry can be started from java code.rmic is not needed as well |
►Nclient | |
CAdditionClient | |
►Nserver | |
CAddition | |
CAdditionServer | |
CIAddition | |
►Nsecurity | Samples for protection domain, SecurityManager, AccessController, private key, certificate, jar signing etc |
►Nsample1 | Incomplete ?? |
CSensitiveCode | |
►Nsample2 | To obfuscate and deobfuscate password using Jetty utility. Decrypt the text |
CDecryption | |
CEncryption | |
CEncryptionUtil | |
CJettyPasswordUtility | |
►Nserialization | Xstream and Jettison based serialization Jackson is arguably the standard Java Library for processing JSON |
►Nsample1 | Xml and json serialization. Serialization of POJO |
CEmployee | |
CSample | |
►Nsample2 | Difference between map wrapper and pure map. Jettison is not ideal for JSON stuff |
CMapWrapper | |
CSample | |
►Nsample3 | This example uses jackson library to generate JSON. Jackson is 100% JSON library |
CJSONParserUtil | |
CSample | |
►Nsample4 | If a map has null value, serialization fails |
CEmployee | |
CSample | |
CSample4SerializeXStream | |
►Nsample5 | Default ReflectionProvider skips constructor code or to be more detailed - the object initializer code |
CEmployee | |
CSample | |
CSample5SerializeXStream | |
CSerializationSvc | |
CSerializeXStream | |
►Nsocket | |
►Nssl | SSL socket examples |
►Nsample1 | Client and server do not share public certificates, hence client auth fails |
CEchoClientTest | |
CEchoServerTest | |
►Nsample2 | Client and server share each others public certificate hence client auth succeeds |
CEchoClientTest | |
CEchoServerTest | |
►Nsample3 | Client and server share each others key+public certificate hence client auth succeeds |
CEchoClientTest | |
CEchoServerTest | |
►Nsample4 | Server has clients public certificate but it also has additional serverkey1. This keys public certificate is not imported in clients store. Hence client auth fails as server sends the certficate for serverkey1. Since the key selection is based upon the hashcodes of the keys, the keys will not be predictably picked |
CEchoClientTest | |
CEchoServerTest | |
►Nsample5 | Server has clients public certificate but it also has additional serverkey1. This keys public certificate is not imported in clients store. We use custom key manager to select serverkey. If there is no custom key manager, key selection is based on some hashing algorithm which will return the keys in random order |
CEchoClientTest | |
CEchoServerTest | |
►Ntimezone | |
►Nsample1 | DST examples.Settlements one, consult with Neha Incomplete ?? |
CSample | |
►Nsample2 | Creation of TimeZone objects using Timezone ids |
CSample | |
►Nsample3 | Calendar using TimeZone objects |
CSample | |
►Nutils | |
CFileSystemUtils | |
►Nxml | |
►Nxsd | XMLBean samples |
►Nsample1 | 'po.xsd' is in 'purchase' namsespace. Without elementFormDefault="qualified" all local elements are in default namespace and not in target namespace |
CTest | |
►Nsample2 | 'po.xsd' is in 'purchase1' namsespace and elementFormDefault is "qualified" |
CTest | |
►Nsample3 | Xsd:anyType can contain any payload. Schema validation check samples |
CTest | |
►Nsample4 | Xsd:anyType can contain any payload. Reading the anyType payload using XmlObject Incomplete ?? |
CTest | |
CSingleJUnitTestRunner | |
▼Norg | |
▼Napache | |
►Nhello_world_soap_http | |
CGreeter | |
CGreeterImpl | |
CPingMeFault | |
CSOAPService | |
►NhelloWorldSoapHttp | |
►Ntypes | |
►Nimpl | |
CFaultDetailDocumentImpl | |
CGreetMeDocumentImpl | |
CGreetMeOneWayDocumentImpl | |
CGreetMeResponseDocumentImpl | |
CMyStringTypeImpl | |
CPingMeDocumentImpl | |
CPingMeResponseDocumentImpl | |
CSayHiDocumentImpl | |
CSayHiResponseDocumentImpl | |
►CFaultDetailDocument | |
CFaultDetail | |
►CGreetMeDocument | |
CGreetMe | |
►CGreetMeOneWayDocument | |
CGreetMeOneWay | |
►CGreetMeResponseDocument | |
CGreetMeResponse | |
CMyStringType | |
►CPingMeDocument | |
CPingMe | |
►CPingMeResponseDocument | |
CPingMeResponse | |
►CSayHiDocument | |
CSayHi | |
►CSayHiResponseDocument | |
CSayHiResponse | |
▼Nsilly | |
CSillyTestSilly | |