Samples JDK
1 /**
2  * \brief rmic and rmiregistry is used. This one uses SecurityManager. But SecurityManager is not a must.
3  *
4  * <h1>RMI samples.</h1>
5  * <p>
6  * This one uses SecurityManager. But SecurityManager is not a must.
7  * </p>
8  * <ul>
9  * <li>Open command line shell.</li>
10  * <li>cd ${project_loc}\build\classes</li>
11  * <li>rmic com.freemindcafe.rmi.sample1.server.Addition</li>
12  * <li>start rmiregistry</li>
13  * <li>Use AdditionServer.launch file to launch the server</li>
14  * <li>Use AdditionClient.launch to launch the client</li>
15  * </ul>
16  */
17 package com.freemindcafe.rmi.sample2;