Samples JDK
1 /**
2  * \brief Annotation Processing Tool examples.
3  *
4  * <p>
5  * Annotation processing tools run as part of java compilation. APT provides the hook to modify or generate the source during the compilation phase.
6  * </p>
7  * <ul>
8  * <li>
9  * For that to happen one will have to change the compiler options in the eclipse project.
10  * \image html image1.png
11  * </li>
12  * <li>
13  * Processor code in our case SillyProcessor should be exported in a seperate jar and needs to be added in the project.
14  * \image html image2.png
15  * </li>
16  * <li>
17  * Create javax.annotation.processing.Processor file under META-INF/services and add our processor in it.
18  * \image html image3.png
19  * </li>
20  * </ul>
21  *
22  *
23  *
24  *
25  */
26 package com.freemindcafe.apt.sample1;